Fat Joke #1

Photo courtesy ofwww.giantbomb.com

It was a nice autumn day as she recalled. She and her best friend, Taylor had walked the short distance from where they worked to a nearby ‘hole in the wall’ restaurant. They entered and placed their order ‘to go’ and were standing at the counter waiting for their food when she heard muffled giggling coming from behind her. “Here it comes, she thought to herself. Another skinny ass bastard is about to share his opinion of my weight. Please hurry up, she prayed. I just want to get out of here with my dignity intact.”

God must have been listening because the counter guy shoved Taylor’s order of a combination sausage and beef, double fries, and large Pepsi across the counter, followed by her order of a chili cheese dog, fries, and a large 7up. “Yes,” she thought. They were going to make it out of the place before any one of the four bufoons sitting at the table near the counter said anything she’d regret.

Taylor grabbed their food, which they’d planned on eating alone together, in the break room after the skinny people had left. And they were almost out of the door when the lead bufoon yelled, ‘Hey girlie how do two fat people make love.”
